3/1/2020 2019 Q4 - encognize activity updatesSharing experiences, building the Future...Our encognize team has maintained a high pace of activities throughout the last quarter of 2019, keeping at its heart the sharing of experiences.
Workshops, presentations, luncheon have been conducted with a wide range of participants to the FinTech industry and to the broader Innovation ecosystem, be they startups, financial institutions, regulators or students. Of course, our encognize team has also continued to focus on ensuring strong business progresses for our portfolio of innovating Tech companies through the identification of new projects, PoC, business partners or investors.
A Regtech Study released by IRTA & Protiviti with encognize contributionOn November 14, 2019, the International RegTech Association (IRTA) and Protiviti have released the findings of a global market study they conducted to investigate the effectiveness of current ‘Know Your Customer’(KYC) processes. The study reveals an urgent need for more effective industry alignment to accelerate the digitizing of KYC processes and greater use of shared platforms. KYC processes involve the identification and verification of customers and help protect financial institutions’ services from being misused for illegal activities.
encognize G.K. was one of the direct contributors to the report preparation and review. Full Press Release here Full pdf report downloadable here (English version) レポートの日本語版はこちら 19/10/2019 2019 Q2 & Q3 - Activity updatesPushing RegTech / FinTech innovation boundaries further...Alternative Credit Scoring based on psychometric evaluation (AdviceRobo), 3FA solution through card-embedded fingerprint reader combined with digital wallet (Unikeys), Digital-Identity-as-a-Service based on distributed platform (Pikcio), Financial Industry- specific translation engine (Lingua Custodia) are as many innovative solutions that our encognize GK team was proud to promote between April and September 2019.
Beyond the active search of business partners ready to explore these innovative solutions in Japan, our team has also conducted focused seminar and had the honor to be invited to renowned industry events.
January 2025
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